I’ve had a lot of people ask whether fishing charters are open in the Florida Keys due to the Covid-19 and the answer is YES! During the initial Covid-19 closures, March – May 2020, going fishing was always on the approved list of things to do in Florida, but because the Florida Keys were closed to visitors during that time, there were not many fishing charters happening. However, that has all changed now and as of June 1, 2020, the Florida Keys are open for fishing charters and all other activities with proper adherance to Covid-19 safety guidelines.
Because the Florida Keys were closed to visitors for three months, there was an extreme lack of pressure on the fish during a time that is usually very busy down here. That is great news and means that now is a great time to go fishing in the Florida Keys and take advantage of our bay and ocean fisheries that have been relatively untouched in recent months.
If you are plannig to visit the Florida Keys, getting out on a fishing charter is one of the best socially distant things you can do. All fishing charters in the Florida Keys are open for business and will be happy to receive your call.

Here are a few safety precautions I personally take to keep us all safe during my Florida Keys fishing charters in the era of Covid-19:
- Most Florida Keys fishing guides / captains are accustomed to wearing face coverings (buffs/neck gaiters) anyway to protect us from the sun during a fishing charter. While on the boat out in the open air you are not required to wear a mask or buff, but I wear mine most of the day and you might want to anyway not only to protect from the virus but also the harsh Florida sun.
Note: Masks are now mandatory in the Florida Keys (Monroe County) while in public places. So if you plan to go to the grocery store, out to eat or any of our popular Florida Keys tourist attractions, be prepared to wear a face covering. Learn more>> - I keep spray hand santizer on the boat and encourage my anglers to use it throughout the day.
- I thoroughly clean my boat between each fishing charter every day with disinfecting cleaners so rest assured you will be stepping onto a clean boat.
- Prior to your Florida Key fishing charter, I encourage you to familiarize yourself with all of the Covid-19 Guidelines in the Florida Keys.
So to answer the original question about whether fishing charters are open in the Florida Keys — again the answer is a resounding YES! Fishing charters are not only open but encouraged! For the ultimate way to follow social distancing in the Florida Keys, book your Florida Keys fishing charter today!
If you have any questions regarding fishing charters during Covid-19, please contact me and I’m happy answer!